I'm really blessed to have a senior pastor who doesn't just welcome opportunities for children and young people to play a full part in the life of the church but proactively makes space for that to happen. We see children worship alongside adults in many of our Christmas activities over a three week period - and far beyond. This is very liberating for me as a children and family pastor.
Something has struck me this year: the wide-eyed innocence of very young children; the longing to belong and share in our Big Story of younger primary kids; the bounce and sparkiness of older children as they challenge and ask questions; the aloofness of some teenagers which actually belies a deep desire for authentic faith: all of these are characteristics of growing and developing faith and are engaged by the Christmas story. It transcends age and stage and language development and understanding and intellect.
Why is this?
Because in the person of Jesus we have one who allows us to talk to the Father face to face - as a man talks to his friend
He is glorious and immanent but he is engaging and loving.
He is far away, ascended to heaven, but he is also near.
He is omnipotent but also personal.
Children understand this far, far better than some adults think they do.
He was Mary's child and God's son, his life spanned the gap between humankind and heaven. The verse quoted from Exodus 33:11 demonstrate his incredible attraction for children - his life gives us ALL access to the Father.
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