Wednesday, December 05, 2007


ad-vent is the coming of Christ, the way of the Son into the far country, a unique and miraculous ad-venture of God. It's a dangerous and hazardous activity to be born in (2)1st century palestine, under occupation and with leaders ready to massacre innocents. But Christ comes to ad-vertise, to make publicly known the love of God to a world thats lost its way. The love of God becomes datable, becomes human, flesh and blood. Christ comes despite the ad-versity of life, to confront and overcome the ad-verse and hostile forces of evil. Christ comes to demonstrate and ad-vocate the way of God's kingdom. Christ comes to be God's ad-vocate to all creation, proclaiming the salvation of God. Christ comes to be the ad-vocate of poor, speaking good news and liberation, blessings to the needy and woes to rich. Christ comes to be the ad-vocate of all humanity, speaking and interceding on our behalf, going the extra mile, giving away what he possesses, turning the other cheek. Christ comes to ad-vise us not to worry about tomorrow, to go the narrow way, to treat others as you would have them treat yourself, to become like children, to forgive as you have been forgiven, to be ready and watching for his second ad-vent.

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