Thursday, March 29, 2007

Called to serve

Easter is almost with us and it is a time for us to reflect on the grace and love of Christ. He took our place – took the punishment for our sins and died so that we might live. I believe that as we look at the sacrifice of Christ at Easter we must be moved, not just on an emotional level, but also on a very practical level.

Two things that Jesus said come to my mind:

“…whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be a slave of all.” (Mark 10.43-44)

“If you love me, you will obey what I command.” (John 14.15)

Currently I am reading a book and recently it has been talking about having a lifestyle that is driven by our love of God and results in an outworking – serving.

We do not need to be great or amazing to serve, we simply need to be willing. Sometimes its easy to say “I’ll get round to that later” or “I’ll help them tomorrow because I am busy today” but the reality of it is that if Christ came across someone in need –what did he do – he helped them of course! Even if it seems to get in the way of what he was doing. Remember the little children “interfering” with Jesus’ teaching and how the disciples tried to stop it, but Jesus welcome them.

Jesus death and resurrection teaches us that he paid a great price for us. Do you love Jesus? Then how willing are you to serve? How willing am I to serve? Is there one small thing you can do for the kingdom of God where you are – is there a way in which you can serve God by serving others?

God Bless.

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